Located on the south side of the Nanticoke River, opposite Woodland, about 4 miles west of Seaford, this 41-acre property includes 29 acres of a mixed hardwood-pine forest, 12 acres of open area with large canopy trees, and 1,900 feet of meandering shoreline with healthy, freshwater tidal, wetland plants. Additionally, it contains direct access to the river by means of an old lagoon that will be revitalized for public use. Purchased from Absher Farms LLC, Nanticoke Crossing Park features a rolling topography overlooking the beautiful Nanticoke River. This partnership marks a successful landmark collaboration by inter-governmental and non-profit organizations to preserve land in Western Sussex County for conservation and recreational use. The opportunity to protect this site was presented to the SCLT by the Chesapeake Conservancy, a non-profit with the mission of conserving and restoring Chesapeake landscapes and connecting everyone to the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Chesapeake Conservancy, in partnership with the Delaware-based Mt. Cuba Center, assists local and state entities by facilitating funding and negotiations for protection projects in the region.